The appointment of an independent trustee broadens your discussions, and creates a different perspective and focus to the dynamics in play between the various forums within your organisation. General questions on, and the specifics of, the role of the independent trustee can be found in our article here
As well as meeting legal obligations, using an independent trustee can guide trustee discussions to focus on their oversight role as majority shareholder, whilst providing support and insights to enable the business to thrive as an EO company. Read more about the Principles of Good EO in our article
There are many excellent independent trustees in the EO sector. Unfortunately there are also some who aren't, as well as those who don't yet have sufficient experience in the role, or knowledge of the requirements, to fully support you as your trustee.
Hence appointing your independent trustee is often left to chance - matching the personality fit of a new contact, through introductions from your business network, from your existing contacts, or through a standard paid recruitment process.
This often leaves you with an extension of what is already available in your business, rarely bringing any independence of thought, alternative insights, fresh perspectives or a breadth of EO trustee knowledge.
Appointing an IDT independent trustee takes the guesswork out of the underlying knowledge that is required. All IDT independent trustees have access to the IDT EO Toolkit, and their fellow IDT trustee network, to enable them to facilitate best practice and support your success. This gives you confidence that your appointed trustee will add benefit to your organisation from the outset.
Want to know more about our trustees, check out our article 'Who Are Our Trustees'
Are you interested in appointing an IDT trustee?
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Our trustees have a breadth of personal experience and knowledge, in employee ownership and beyond. They may have founded their own business, or led other organisations. They may have worked in employee owned organisations, or supported companies in their EO journey. The majority have boardroom experience, have chaired formal meetings and have delivered in a position of responsibility.
What they all have in common is access to our IDT trustee network to share ideas and knowledge to deliver best practice to our clients, backed by 1-2-1 support in delivering in the role, no matter what stage their client company is at on their EO journey.
Trustees also have access to the IDT EO Toolkit, a collection of articles, materials, tools and knowledge that provides the foundation for the role of the trustee, and serves to answer the questions that our clients ask. Created from our own experience in the role, the IDT EO Toolkit is constantly updated and only available to our clients and their appointed trustees.
Are you interested in becoming an IDT Independent Trustee?
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